12 Signs You Were Born To Be a Digital Media Designer

Content is the currency of the day making content creators a very valuable asset. It is digital media designers who are the voice of most communication and with that, comes a need for an instinct in the language of the digital world. Do you find yourself analysing content and looking for ways to get involved? Do you have something to say but you’re just not sure where to put it? If these twelve signs speak to you, then perhaps your destiny is written in the digital stars?

1. You see everything in pixels and palettes

Do you look around you and inwardly digitise everything you see? Do you dream in RGB and CMYK? If you find yourself mentally rearranging every website you visit or when you look at a sunset, you calculate the ideal colour palette to recreate it, then you think like a digital media designer.

2. A passion of storytelling

You read between the lines of every brand, every advertisement, and every design and by doing so you clearly see the narrative. An instinct for storytelling is a valuable tool in the digital media design industry. Those with an innate urge to weave narratives through graphics, are digital media design gold.

3. An insatiable thirst for creativity

A busy creative mind sees a blank canvas as an adventure rather than an obstacle. If you have a restless creative spirit always looking to fill spaces with design, take it as a sign.

4. Attention to detail

It is the detail that sets a great design apart from an ordinary one. If you're the type of person who notices a needle in a haystack or a single pixel out of place, your attention to detail will help you create polished, professional work.

5. Technological awareness

Technology is central to digital media. It is a tool, a platform, the language and indeed, a universe. Do your friends come to you for tech advice? Are you fascinated with new software and design tools? A digital media designer will have an instinctive awareness of technology as well as a commitment to continued learning.

6. Adaptability

Nothing moves as fast as technology and design trends and tools are generally outdated as soon as they arrive. It is vital to be flexible and to be the kind of person who does not fear change. If you are open to shifting your approach and adapting to new waves in design, then you will do very well indeed.

7. Communication skills

Digital media design is communication. The goal of a designer is to understand the needs of the customer and to translate them to visual concepts. In order to bring your visions to life, strong communication abilities are just as crucial as design talents.

8. You are a problem solver

All design is about facing a problem and forming a solution. Are you a solutions oriented person? If you see a challenge as an opportunity and are excited about getting creative with a solution, then yes, you are a problem-solver.

9. Your superpower is time management

It is not unusual to be a bad time manager so those who are good at it, are greatly valued. Time management can be learned but for some, it is a personality trait. In a field driven by deadlines, efficient time management is a must. If your calendar is an organised space, you will be at least one step ahead of the competition.

10. Passion for continuous learning

It takes an active and curious mind to maintain a passion for continuous learning. The digital media landscape is an ever evolving space and staying up to date with new skills and design is critical. If you're naturally eager to learn and to grow, you've got the drive to pursue a career in digital media design.

11. A keen sense of branding

If you are aware of the concept of branding as more than just a logo or a colour scheme, that it is in fact the identity of a company or indeed a representation of a person, then digital media design is already in you. Understanding the psychology of brand loyalty and consumer behaviour is key!  Branding is a crucial component of being a digital media designer.

12. A keen sense of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design

If you think of how you feel or how you would improve an app or website as you browse, then UI and UX design are innate in you. Users are more astute than ever and have little patience for bad design. It's not only about making things appear nice, it's also about laying out a path that consumers can intuitively follow.

So - does any of this ring true to you?

If yes then, you may have found your calling. While having an instinct for digital media design is a great starting point and can even be an advantage professionally, there are still many skills and much knowledge to be garnered. This is where our courses come into play. Our comprehensive digital media design courses are designed to nurture your talents and convert them into competent skills. Our expert led courses will guide you through the latest tools, trends, and approaches in the business, combining theory with practical application. Become a part of a community of passionate creators and take the first step toward becoming a master of the digital canvas. Enrol Today!

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Written by: Fiona Byrne

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